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Finalize an onboarding

You can finalize onboardings in several ways:

  • Using the API.
  • Your end users can also finalize their own onboardings using the onboarding URLs you create for individuals or companies.
  • If you're using Swan's Web Banking interface, they can finalize their onboarding themselves with the app.

To finalize an onboarding using the API:

  • You must have a user access token for the user whose onboarding you're finalizing, and the user must have accessed their authentication URL at least one time.
  • The onboarding status must be Ongoing (Valid).

If you need to update an onboarding before finalizing it, follow the guides for updating an individual or company onboarding.


Finalize an onboarding using the API.

  1. First, retrieve the ID for the onboarding you're finalizing.
  2. Call the finalizeOnboarding mutation.
  3. Enter the onboarding ID retrieved in step 1.
  4. Add optional messages to the success payload, either for validation or in case of rejection.
  5. Confirm you're using the user access token to run the mutation.


🔎 Open the mutation in API Explorer

Notice the request to include the account ID and account holder ID, as well as the onboarding status, in the success payload.

mutation finalizeOnboarding {
finalizeOnboarding(input: { onboardingId: "$ONBOARDING_ID" }) {
... on FinalizeOnboardingSuccessPayload {
onboarding {
account {
holder {
statusInfo {
... on OnboardingNotCompletedRejection {
... on ValidationRejection {


Notice the ID for the newly-created account and account holder, as well as the onboarding status Finalized.

"data": {
"finalizeOnboarding": {
"__typename": "FinalizeOnboardingSuccessPayload",
"onboarding": {
"account": {
"id": "$NEW_ACCOUNT_ID",
"holder": {
"statusInfo": {
"status": "Finalized"