Send a link to close an account
If the account's legal representative requests account closure, send them a link to complete the process.
Only Swan can act on Suspended
If the status is Suspended
, you can't send a link to close the account.
Step 1: Send link to legal representative​
- Go to your Dashboard > Data > Accounts.
- Locate the account closure link in the Close account tile.
- Click-to-copy the link.
- Send the link to the account's legal representative.
Keep track of the account closure process on Dashboard > Data > Accounts.
Consider subscribing to the Account.Closing
and Account.Closed
webhooks to be notified when the account status changes.
Step 2: Legal representative completes process​
The account's legal representative opens the link you provide, then logs into their banking app. They choose a reason for account closure, then consent to closing the account with Strong Customer Authentication.
To complete the account closure process, the balance must be zero. The following table explains the actions required to reach a zero balance.
Balance | Action |
âž• Positive | Transfer the funds out of the account with a SEPA Credit Transfer. |
âž– Negative | Swan works with your end users to reach a zero balance. |
After consenting to account closure and reaching a zero balance, the account is closed within 30 days.