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Customize your card design

You can design a custom card for your Swan cardholders. Custom designs, like standard ones, are used for virtual, physical, and digital cards.

The custom design process, including design, validation, and delivery, can take up to 16 weeks.

Process overview​

  1. Send an email to stating that you'd like to begin the custom design process. Include how many cards you'll print in the first batch (1000 minimum).
  2. Swan will send you a tutorial and an Adobe Illustrator file that's ready to use.
  3. Choose your customizations.
  4. Choose your packaging.
  5. Send your design to your Technical Account Manager.
  6. Your Technical Account Manager will work with Mastercard to validate your design.
  7. After your design is validated, samples of your card will be printed and delivered for final approval.
  8. As soon as you approve the sample, your cards can be printed and delivered to your cardholders.
Locked elements

The following elements can't be changed:

  • Mastercard logo, contactless logo, and hologram
  • Cardholder name (maximum 20 characters)
  • Card number, identifier, expiry date, and CVC
  • Label indicating debit or business
  • Statement "This card is issued by Swan, pursuant to license by Mastercard international."
  • Font (Maison Neue)

Choose your customizations​

Chip color
  • Gold (default)
  • Silver (2,000 cards minimum, additional cost)
Type of plastic
(no metal available)
  • Standard plastic
  • Recycled plastic 85% or 100% (adds up to 12 weeks as recycled plastic is shipped by boat to reduce the carbon footprint)
  • Matte
  • Gloss
  • Partially matte or gloss (might be referred to as selective varnish; additional cost)
  • Logo printed with brilliant effect (additional cost)
  • Other effects, such as metallic, fluorescent silkscreen, and more, are also available at an additional cost
ColorYou can customize your color for the front, back, and edges.

  • Dyed PVC
    • Front, back, and edges are dyed the same color
    • Additional cost
  • Edge color
    • Choose a different color for the edges
    • Additional cost
  • Face color only
    • Might be referred to as quadri-faced color
    • Front and back are dyed the same color, while the edges stay white
    • No additional cost
  • Custom magnetic band color
    • Default color is black
    • Choose a different color for an additional cost
Several colors are available. Please choose your color from the colors listed in the following section. Note that if the color you choose clashes with the Mastercard logo, the Mastercard logo will be outlined in white.
Text styleWhile the font must be Maison Neue, the styling of the text is up to you. Styling is applied to the cardholder name, card number, identifier, expiry date, CVC, and the debit or business label.

  • Durable graphics (default, cost included)
    • Durable color foil applied to card
    • Available in white, black, silver, or gold (other colors available but require validation)
  • Embossed
    • Text is raised off the card
    • Additional cost
  • Thermal printing
    • Long-lasting technique that carves the text out of the card
    • Additional cost
  • Laser
    • Long-lasting technique that burns the text into the card with a laser
    • Additional cost
Additional line
  • Add an additional line to the front of your card (example: add your company name)
  • Line appears under the cardholder name
  • Content must be approved
  • Limit: 26 characters


Several colors are available to choose from for you custom cards.

The first number is the color code with Swan's card provider (example: 200). The second is the approximate hexadecimal color code, for your reference only.

Colors marked with an asterisk (*) can't be used to dye the edges.

Choose your packaging​

Physical cards are delivered in a standard letter format. Upgraded packaging options are also available for both standard and custom cards.

Standard packagingStandard envelope with card attached to an inserted letter, pictured
Customized letter textCustomize the written content of the letter; add additional languages (additional cost)
Colorful paper insertPaper used for the letter can be a color other that the standard white (additional cost)
Customized packagingUse a box or flyer; can add additional time (additional cost)

Image of standard physical card packaging