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Initiate a transaction with French checks

Initiate accepting payments with French checks.

  • Debtor's account status: any except Closing or Closed
  • Merchant profile status: Enabled
  • Check payment method status: Enabled


  1. Confirm you have a project access token or, if you're an account member, a user access token with CanManageAccountMembership permissions.
  2. Call the initiateCheckMerchantPayment, completing all mandatory fields: amount value and currency, CMC7, rmlcKey, and merchantProfileId (lines 2-7).
  3. You can also include an optional label and reference (not shown), which are displayed in your transaction history and to the debtor.
  4. Add the InitiateCheckMerchantPaymentSuccessPayload success payload (line 10).
  5. Add the fnciInfo to the success payload (lines ). Refer to the explanatory content to learn about FNCI and their verification results (lines 12-18).
  6. Add the rejection CheckRejection, then add the fnciInfo here as well (lines 21, 24-30).
  7. Add other rejections (not shown).


🔎 Open the mutation in API Explorer

mutation InitiateCheckPayment {
input: {
amount: { value: "50", currency: "EUR" }
merchantProfileId: "$YOUR_MERCHANT_PROFILE_ID"
cmc7: "$YOUR_CMC7"
rlmcKey: "$YOUR_RLMC_KEY"
) {
... on InitiateCheckMerchantPaymentSuccessPayload {
fnciInfo {
... on CheckRejection {
fnciInfo {


Note the colorCode GREEN, meaning the merchant can continue processing this check.

"data": {
"initiateCheckMerchantPayment": {
"__typename": "InitiateCheckMerchantPaymentSuccessPayload",
"fnciInfo": {
"colorCode": "GREEN",
"cpt1": 10,
"cpt2": 32,
"cpt3": 32,
"holderEstablishment": "CRCAM NORD DE FRANCE",
"responseCode": 0

Next steps​

At this stage, the transaction has been initiated and the following events occur:

  1. Swan:
    1. Confirms that the check amount does not exceed 10 000€.
    2. Verifies that the field formats are consistent with the check provider's specifications.
    3. Creates a checkIn transaction with the status Upcoming. checkIn transactions retain the status Upcoming until the check amount is credited to the Swan settlement account.
  2. Merchant:
    1. Writes their Swan account number on the back of each check.
    2. Sends the check or checks to Swan's check provider by physical mail. They must be received within 30 days of the initiateCheckMerchantPayment mutation call.
  3. Swan's check provider:
    1. Processes the check, after which the status changes to Booked. This can take a few business days.

After a check is Booked, the rolling reserve window starts. After the rolling reserve window, the check amount is added to the account's available balance.

If funds are insufficient for the check deposit, a checkInReturn will appear on your transaction history.