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Postman collection

Postman is a platform for API development and testing. Use Swan's Postman collection with OAuth 2.0 authentication as a sample implementation to help with your integration.


You have a Postman account and you're logged in. You can either use the Postman app or the web version.

Swan Banking Frontend

Along with this Postman collection, you can use the open source Swan Banking Frontend.

Modify the open source code to provide a web banking app that matches your company's style and your user onboarding flows. The open source project contains the code Swan uses for their banking interface.

Step 1: Download Swan's Postman collection

Use Swan's Postman collection to try Swan's APIs and test the authorization flow from Postman before integrating Swan.

  1. Go to Dashboard > Developers > API.
  2. Locate the block named Swan's Postman collection and download the collection.

Image of Dashboard calling out where to download Swan's Postman collection

Step 2: Import Swan collection to Postman

In Postman, click Import, then import the file you downloaded from your Dashboard.

Image of Dashboard calling out where to download Swan's Postman collection

Step 3: Get Dashboard information

After you download the collection, configure Postman to communicate with your Swan Dashboard.

  1. Go to Dashboard > Developers > API.
  2. Notice the location of your Client ID in the OAuth 2.0 Credentials block.
  3. Notice the location of your Client secret in the OAuth 2.0 Credentials block. If needed, generate a new secret.
  4. Locate your saved redirect URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) in the Redirect URIs block.

Image of Dashboard calling out where to find the information required for Postman

Step 4: Configure Postman

Add the information from your Dashboard to Swan's Postman collection.

  1. In Postman, open SWAN APIs Postman Collection.
  2. Go to Variables.
  3. Add your Dashboard values for CLIENT_ID, CLIENT_SECRET, and CALLBACK_URL (redirect URI).

Image of Postman calling out where to enter your Swan values

Step 5: Get access tokens

5.1 Project access token

  1. In Postman, open the Project Token folder in SWAN APIs Postman Collection.
  2. Go to Authorization.
  3. Scroll to the end of the page, then click Get New Access Token.

Image of Postman guiding user to get a new project access token

After clicking Get New Access Token, a popup appears briefly. You can cancel authentication if needed.

  1. A modal with all information about your project access token appears on the screen. Click Use Token.

Image of Postman guiding user to use the new project access token

5.2 User access token

Getting a new user access token requires consent from the user associated with the token.

  1. In Postman, open the User Token folder in SWAN APIs Postman Collection.
  2. Go to Authorization.
  3. Locate the section called Configure New Token.
  4. In Callback URL, enter the redirect URI from your Dashboard.
  5. Scroll to the end of the page, then click Get New Access Token.

Image of Postman guiding user to get a new user access token


For you to generate a user access token for one of your users, the user must consent.

After clicking Get New Access Token, Swan sends a text message to the mobile number saved for this user. The user needs to use their phone to consent to your user access token before you can continue.

  1. After the user consents, a modal with all information about your user access token appears on the screen. Click Use Token.

Image of Postman guiding user to use the new user access token